Monday, August 16, 2010

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Encaustic Painting

So a wise soul has suggested that I expand my artistic horizons. Last summer I took an Encaustic class for college credit, I was impressed with the diversity of the medium but hesitant none the less. I have dedicated my focus to sculpture, almost hideing behind it and poo pooing any two dimentional art. This more than anything was a guise to hide my own insicuritys about my painting and drawing abilitys. However i have decided to put it all out there and start doing some two dimentioal work. Dont get me wrong I have always enjoyed my two dimentional aplications but when compareing myself to the work of others around me I felt... well amature. With some encuragement I have asked for some Encaustic supplies for my birthday. For all who are unfamiliar witht his medium, encaustics is an application of bees' wax onto a surface. Much like oil paints there is a meduim for mixing and coating but the pigments are also made of bees' wax. The smell is unique and gets a little getting used to however the applications are endless. I think the transition into this art form will be smooth becouse the wax is so versitle and the teqniques are endless and many are still to be discovered in this new/old medium. In actuality this medium is as old or older than ancient Greece. In the last decade it was discovered that the pristine white marble of ancient Greece was not so. In truth, it was covered in vibrant colors all from encaustics paints. The pigments had actually worn off over hundreds of years of environmental ware and tear. however trace amounts of the pigment had worked its way into the pores of the marble allowing us to see the colors when the sculptures were photographed with a ultraviolet camera lenses. So I am excited to explore a new medium and perhaps even make a little extra cash by opening an Etsy, shop. Who knows... thank you for the inspiration ; ).

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Monday, July 26, 2010


So as you probably don't know i am an artist. I graduated from Plymouth State University in NH last year with my bachelors degree in sculpture. I love sculpture, mostly for the physical aspect that is involved. The construction and the labor that goes into an end result. With my love of art I have always observed tattoos as a forum of self expression. I remember my grandfather showing me his faded egale tattoo on his fore arm when i was a young boy. He would tell me it was a stupid mistake and he would ask me to never get one. Hesitant I would agree but still eyes fixed on this mark. This would be my first impression of the body artwork. The second would come from my very liberal sister Sky. Her coming up to NH from TX and babysitting me and my brother when my parents went away on vacation, I noticed her mortal combat emblem tattoo. This was the first time i had ever seen a tattoo in color. Here the connection between art and adornment came together.
Later in life at the ripe old age of 18 I made the decision to get my first tattoo. The classic homage to my family tree. I put my last name across the center of my back with two large Scottish tilters on either side. Needless to say both of my parents were not impressed. My mother always tried to reason with my biblically saying, "The body is a temple". I cant help but smile and laugh at this argument; having a minor in Art History I would display my knowledge of churches and temples across the world all of which have the most beautiful adornments. Even mosques which are barren of vibrant color or religious idols has some of the most beautiful script and tile work you have ever seen.
I have been dieing to get a new tattoo lately because it has been a little over a year since I have gotten one. I have many in the works but the funds are lacking. Maybe my birthday will provide me with an opportunity, who knows.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

So much to do...

So as my schooling winds down to an end I find myself dragging my feet. It has never been so hard to get motivated to do schoolwork. There is just so much and I’m starting to feel anxious but I have to press on. I am so close to the end and being behind now would just make the month of august even tougher. Trying to readapt ones life for the better is challenging. It all starts with the small things however.
I want to start meditation. Much like prayer it is a time when one can travel internally and assess and release all the stresses of the world and re-center ones self. This is a practice not a gimmick. The power of the mind is great, re-teaching myself to control my mind and emotions would be beneficial to me. People often picture the bearded wise man legs folded sitting atop a mountain lost in tranquility. Here we travel to ask him, “what is the meaning of life”, to which he would most likely respond, “the answer is in you”. Every one of us have a conscious and subconscious mind. We access both but not at the same time. Your conscious mind is the one you most often hear in your head. The subconscious mind id the one when you ask yourself a question and you immediately feel the answer. Like someone grabbing your insides they twist. I believe...
I need to stop procrastinating and do some work… (remember this jam)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Time, Growth, Life, and Love

Hello world, it has been so long since my last update. I fear i have made this for no reason at all. My life has however been extreamly busy and it has been hard to find time for the ones I love; let alone school work and my two jobs. A lot has happend since writeing last. I have moved from Plymouth to Derry into a three bedroom apt. I have one roomate as of this point in time but we are rarely in the same place at the same time so things are pritty quiet. I am currently still in school finishing my masters in art education. This has taken up much of my time and energy. I have been commuteing fifty min there and fifty min back every day this week and all of next week for a curriculum design course that is the culminateing course before I start my student teaching in August. the other class im in right now is a self designed graduate sculpture course. this is both daughnting and exciteing. i have not had much or any chance rather to create art in months. So when I finnaly fgo this course approved I was anxious to being createing sculptures again. this is a relaxing and poitive thing for me. but at the same time it is difficult to get back into the swing of creativity, it is like a muscle "use it or loose it" baby. I will have to update with some pictures of my new work but for now here are some pictures from my BFA...

As my birthday approaches this august I think greatly about time and its passing. Indefinitely it will continue and it bares down on me. I have always felt a connection to things that were old or had a feeling of nostalgia. I feel like I am searching for something that will pull me into a time I am unfamiliar with. I don't think I want to look back but rather to learn something from it. "History is doomed to repeat itself" this is a phrase that can be discounted when we learn something from the mistakes of the past. This is something that I face. I want to grow as a man, and to learn from my mistakes. I need to for myself and the one I love. I have been nervous lately. I analyze things constantly and this often gets me into trouble. worrying about the wrong things or pushing others to hard. My determination and drive will make things right. I am going to start meditation to gather my thoughts. It is an effective way of looking internally at ones self and assessing in order to grow, and I will grow.
The song "simple man" by Lynard Skynard sums up my feelings to a degree. The idea that by living honestly and simply ones troubles and worries will seem less important because positivity will prevail. I am an honest and hardworking person but most recently I have let myself get worried about things that I have no control over. I have found myself having to place more faith in others and hoping that love and honor will prevail. If i belive and i do, then everything should fallow.These times are trying but there is a light at the end of every tunnel and my light has a face and a name. I will be a better person as I grow, learn and continue to love.
This past year was hard emotionally, this one will be mental and physical I'm sure of it. However I remain positive and push forward towards my goals. Till next time... Love those around you, be good to one another, and go into your light.